Case Study + Sell Sheet Templates
Need: Redesigned case study + sell sheet templates that allow for more readability and simplicity.
Thought Process: How can we make the statistics and infographics more engaging with these refreshed templates? I wanted to incorporate more visuals via graphs and images while introducing a palette that could be softer on the eyes (ie with our grey and eggplant colors). I also sought to break up the text since it felt like the previous templates were more text heavy.
PREVIOUS Case Study Design (2-pager):
Design Process:
FINAL Case Study Design (3-pager):
PREVIOUS Sell Sheet Design (2-pager):
FINAL Sell Sheet Design (1-pager):
Add-On Perks
Need: An asset that is able to visually conceptualize add-on perks, while maintaining Indiegogo’s branding.
Thought Process: I wanted to explore different ways of communicating our new feature of add-on perks that seeks to upsell to our backers by offering an additional perk. I decided to include a range of designs from the more literal, such as the ‘ADD PERK’ button design, to the more abstract such as the puzzle-piece design which alludes to an extension of what exists that leads to more of a complete picture.
Final published version can be found on this blog post.
Concept Designs:
CM (Cheetah Mobile) Translator Campaign Page
Need: A fully designed campaign page for a the CM (Cheetah Mobile) Translator, a standby, ultra-portable, instant two-way language translator.
Thought Process: How can we design an engaging flow of information for an assortment of use cases? This was a challenging and rewarding process, as it included 14 pages of text, several photos, and many voices (design, marketing, and campaigner). My main goal for this page was to keep consistent to Cheetah’s brand (by referring to its website design), while introducing opportunities to include more fun elements like shapes, gradients, icons (some were designed by myself while others were designed by the Cheetah design team), and display.
Final published version can be found on this campaign page (some photos, colors, and text were redesigned by the Cheetah design team. Please feel free to compare with my final design below).
Final Design: